Saturday, March 21, 2015

Take the Good with the Bad Girl.

Without getting ahead of myself I just want to say I feel like a Million Bucks.  That's what a great run will do for me!  I got up at 5:15, moved my tush out the door by 6AM and met the Pacemakers for a 7 AM run in Baltimore.  Thankfully my old running pal Eileen was there and not only did she run the whole way with me and my slow pace BUT I RAN with her.  Still some stops to walk but overall I ran for most of the whole 7.5 miles.

As far as my WW went for the week.. not bad.. not great.. I followed my points for the most part.If you are familiar with WW you know that you earn activity points for whatever exercise you do during the week and you can choose to eat those points or not.. I of course eat them and drink them. But my goal this week is to only use up half of the activity points I earn. Okay truth be told... yesterday I drank a gin & tonic, a dirty martini, and a margarita.. ate Mexican food (didn't scimp) and had Little Debbie Swiss rolls for desert.. I AM A BAD GIRL!!!  But today starts a new week and I'm off to a good start...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! Congrats on having a good run - 7.5 miles is impressive! Looking forward to following your journey. :)
